Mar 18, 2006

Save our climate --salva nuestro clima

While surfing msn, I ran into this website "Save Our Climate" and made me think of our environment.

I have been pretty consious about energy-savings since I am a little. My dad was an excellent example in that matter. He used to make us turn off the lights when we didn't need them and I kept the rutine while growing.

Now, I have to start paying attention at my new habits here in Canada at my new home. My husband and I use laptops a lot at home, him more than me, and we usually have more than one room lit. Obviously, it is time to go back to the old habits.

Mientras navegaba por el msn, me tope con este website "Save Our Climate" y me hizo pensar en nuestro medio ambiente.

Yo he sido muy conciente acerca del ahorro de energia desde pequena. My padre fue un exemplo perfecto. El solia hacernos apagar los focos cuando no los necesitabamos y mantuve esa rutina mientras crecia.

Ahora tengo que empezar por poner atencion a mis nuevos habitos aqui en mi casa en Canada. My esposo y yo usamos las laptops mucho, el mas que yo, y usualmente tenemos mas de un cuarto prendido. Obviamente, es tiempo de regresar a los habitos viejos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think it really maters what people can save beeing concerned about the energy consumption home. This is a very small amount which can hardly balance with industrial consumption. So I believe we should keep our life with plenty of lights home, or as much as one need. Ofcourse in my family it was the same, hunting for unnecessary energy use, I like to believe this is past. Or was it the future? towards we are heading here in Canada ?